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Our Programs

It’s Time To Start Your Adventures

Inglewood learning center will offer programs for children between the ages of 12 months to 12 years old.

Infants and Toddlers

The center will provide Premier Child care services that are aimed at enhancing traditional day care methodologies and integrating extracurricular interests into one comprehensive program.


Out of School Care

Our general and “continuing” education programs for out of school kids will help mentor and tutor students through “main school” homework assignments and provide a base of understanding and interaction to ensure success in future.

Room 1. Younger toddlers: 12- 19 months

Room 2. Old toddlers: 19 – 3 years

Room 3. Preschoolers: 3 – 5 years

Room 4. Kinders/O.S.C.: 5-12 years

Activities & Experiences

Our staffs plans open-ended activities and experiences for the children, which allow them to have the opportunity to manipulate, create and learn new skills

Imagine, Play & Explore

The children play daily indoor and outdoor. Experiences such as a petting zoo and puppet shows are brought into the center

Expressing Their Own Emotions

Teaching children social and intellectual skills and helping them understanding and expressing their own emotions

Fun Activities

Safe and fun activities are provided for all children based on their interests and developmental needs

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